Calendar Coffee | Teamwork Seasonal Espresso | Colombia | 250g

Calendar Coffee | Teamwork Seasonal Espresso | Colombia | 250g

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Calendar Coffee | Teamwork Seasonal Espresso | Colombia | 250g

Flavour notes:  Orange & Brown Sugar
Harvest: July/ Aug 2024

From the roasters:

As the seasons change, so does our TEAMWORK espresso, highlighting the very best single origin coffees throughout the year. We’re looking for coffees that are balanced and sweet, delicious in milk, and with enough complexity to be enjoyed straight up. This coffee comes from a group of farmers growing coffee in the highlands of Gigante, Huila. This area is known for its fertile soils, and a climate that's perfectly suited for producing high quality coffee.  Expect a bright, balanced and sweet expresso, with notes of orange and brown sugar.


Today, nearly half of coffee production comes from countries predicted to lose more than 60% of land suitable for growing coffee by 2050. As temperatures rise and extreme weather becomes more frequent, coffee farming is becoming increasingly difficult and less profitable for many producers across the globe. World Coffee Research is a non-profit organisation providing farmers with the tools, knowledge, and plants necessary to adapt in a changing climate. Together with our importing partners Caravela, we are donating €0.50 from every Kg of TEAMWORK Seasonal Espresso to support their work.

Country: Colombia
Community Blend
Gigante, Huila
Caturra, Colombia & Castillo
1,400-2,000 masl